Player Benefits Insight

Playing With PowerPick

Gives You

More Chances To Win

More Convenience

More Security


More Fun

More Individual Lottery Players

Are Switching To Pooling Every Day

Lottery pooling is so much more powerful and exciting than simply playing the Lottery with individual ticket buys. The odds against winning on a single ticket are so high that the average player rarely sees even a small win.

By contrast, when you check your PowerPick Winnings Statement, you see more winning tickets than you ever saw playing on your own. Yes, the winnings are shared, and that’s what pooling is all about – sharing more tickets with the group, so there are hundreds more tickets to win on – and then you can realize how many times you come close to winning a big one!  It’s simply a more powerful and exciting way of playing.

PowerPick Delivers More

Benefits and Services



·Labor Saving Services

·Variety, Bonuses & Other Extras


Lottery players in cities all over the U.S. are pooling their resources for an increased chance at lottery riches. Even the state Lotteries are promoting pooling clubs. They’re a great idea, theoretically, but it takes more than the desire to set up a safe, secure, and successful Pooling Club. PowerPick gives you the security controls which are lacking in office pools and other informal pools.

PowerPick’s success is built on a firm legal foundation, good records, and rigorous internal controls to ensure that winnings are not misappropriated or wasted in endless litigation in court.

Nothing could be easier than calling in to renew your next four or eight-week play, knowing that the PowerPick system is geared to protect the players at every step in the process.

·        Legal Binding Contract PowerPick's legal agreement clearly states the ticket ownership arrangements and legal agency relationship, eliminating problems like the office entanglements that so often end up in court.

·        Lottery Ticket ControlsLottery Tickets are endorsed prior to lottery drawings to prevent unauthorized persons from unlawfully claiming a winning ticket. In addition, to prevent theft; the tickets are kept locked up in a fireproof safe, and the computer program makes sure that no winning ticket goes unclaimed.

·        Secure Computer System The computer system itself has a fail-safe storage server, mirrored for each data transaction, physically protected in a locked steel cage, and backed up every night by a double-redundant system.

·        Ticket Confirmation Each member receives a Confirmation Certificate listing all the tickets which will be purchased for their group.

·        No Missed Drawings Players know that by signing up with PowerPick for weeks or even months at a time they won’t miss any drawings.

·        No Missed Winners Of course, players can check their own Confirmation Certificate for winners, but most players also understand and appreciate the feeling of security they get, knowing that the PowerPick computer system accurately checks to make sure that no winning Lottery ticket is ever missed!

·        Detailed Account Summaries Each player receives a printed personalized Winnings Statement which includes an Account Summary and detailed listing of all lottery ticket results and winnings distributions for his or her group. 

·        Internet Access Members can also review their account status on the internet shortly after each drawing to verify that their share of the groups winnings were properly credited to them.

·        Account Control Any player can request a total or partial payment, or leave the winnings in the account to pay for succeeding rounds of play.



·        Easy ordering by mail, telephone, automatic renewal or just stopping by the office.

·        Forgetting to buy tickets – never again.

·        Standing in line– never again.

·        Worrying about Losing tickets – never again.

·        Forgetting to check tickets – never again.

·        Always covered even when on vacation.

Labor Saving Services

PowerPick provides its players with the labor and administration that go far beyond just merely buying a bunch of tickets and sharing them with your friends.

For individuals, it is very difficult. There is a lot of hard work and personal risk involved in properly setting up and running a pooling group, even if you had the time, opportunity, or inclination to do it.

PowerPick’s service is extensive and far-reaching. It:

·        Locates new players and maintains membership levels, through advertisements and promotions, in order to provide sufficient participation so no one will be turned away and anyone can start at anytime.

·        Assigns each player to the groups and numbers that will be purchased in PowerPick’s secure database.

·        Sends a Confirmation Certificate to each player listing the numbers for all the tickets in their group that will be purchased for each drawing date.

·        Purchases the lottery tickets and safeguards them in a lockbox.

·        Checks all tickets for winners, automatically, by a computerized system, not manually.

·        Maintains a secure, detailed database, and members may request ownership records, transaction records and tax deduction information when they need them.

·        Sends out renewal letters to make sure that players can choose to renew without missing any drawings.

·        Sends a Winnings Statement to each player after the last drawing of their selection, providing a complete and accurate report for the results of each drawing.

·        Oversees the collection and distribution of all winnings.

·       Fields phone calls from new players and current members to explain lottery games, give Lottery results, and answer questions about how PowerPick works.

Variety, Bonuses and Other Extras

Players enjoy all the amenities offered by the club. As soon as you join, you can:

·        Start playing whenever you choose.

·        Select what share of the group you want.

·        Select the play that fits your budget.

·        Decide how your selections are to be split between the Multi-State game and your State’s game choices.

·        Receive a Personalized Winnings Statement printed in 4-color with text and graphics dependent on your specific activity, to give you additional entertainment value.

·        Receive Instant Tickets along with your Winnings Statement, as a valuable bonus, to make your play that much more enjoyable.

·        Receive articles of interest, free weekly prize drawings and free entry into bi-monthly prize contests through PowerPick’s Goodtimes Newsletter.

·        Can call PowerPick at anytime to find out what is happening in your group, get the latest Lottery numbers drawn by the state, or get other information about the Lottery or how PowerPick works.

·        Can view your numbers and results on the Internet shortly after each drawing.  Your own Certificate is posted and you can look at your group numbers and see where all the winning numbers hit, because they are marked with color coding. This also gives you a much better view of how the Lottery number patterns are falling for large groups of draws.

Also, on the Internet display, your winning tickets are tagged with a small dancing character to help you celebrate and make sure you don’t miss out on the enjoyment from any of your winnings. (When you view your own Internet report, you also can see how easy it is to miss a winning combination when you check your own tickets by hand!)

·        Depend on PowerPick to treat you like a real person, with first-class service that never lets you leave empty-handed.


Thank You

          My wife Judy and I started PowerPick Players’ Club nearly ten years ago with the idea of making people’s lottery play more exciting. We want to thank all of those players, past and present, for contributing so many ideas that have made our dream come true.  We hope you give the club a try and maybe you will be in the next winners circle. 

          We are also so proud that nationwide, 93% of PowerPick’s revenue goes back to the communities in which PowerPick operates, through ticket purchases, jobs and vendor payments.  About 53% goes back directly to the players for the purchase of tickets and bonuses and 40% is returned to the community to pay vendors and employees who support the necessary administrative activities.    

          Finally, we want to thank all of you that have taken the time to view our web site and wish you the best of luck in your lottery plays.

Andy and Judy Amada


© 2025 PowerPick Player's Club